A major question that I grappled with for quite some time - Should I pursue 501(c)3 status right away or not? My advisors strongly recommended that I go the fiscal sponsorship route instead. I spent some time researching fiscal sponsors that focus on music and the arts. I found Fractured Atlas' website and they seemed like an ideal fit. Two days after graduation, I decided to visit their website to read more about the organization. It turned out that they were having an info session that same night...in Bushwick (my current neighborhood). The next info session would take place weeks later in Philadelphia. Very strange how things work out! I went to the info session and the rest is history. I first became a member, and then officially applied for fiscal sponsorship. I received confirmation of my acceptance into Fractured Atlas' fiscal sponsorship program during the first week of May. Now I just need to start finding some money!
Check them out: http://www.fracturedatlas.org/