My first musical morsel to share with mi gente. My apologies to the folks who already have this - my one and only mixtape. Here is the story behind "Courting the Groove." My 7th year of teaching was about to come to a close. I was burned out and in need of a drastic change of job or location. I decided to take a leave of absence from the Dept. of Ed to spend a year abroad. The options: small island off the coast of Venezuela or Spain. Of course, I chose the latter. Working on my first mixtape prevented me from going insane during the final two months of my high school teaching career. Yes, it took me nearly two months to complete this mix of my favorite very well known "classics." I have been working on part 2 (in my head) since I released this mix in 2005. The follow up is certainly overdue. I managed to make $100 of Sangria money hustling this mixtape to friends and soon to be ex-coworkers. Props to Black Bugglegum for the mix name and cover art.
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